This is part 3 of the series called Math : Art or Science? Read part 2 here So in my last post I talked about Platonism. For people seeing this concept for the first time, it was perhaps a little too extreme. I said mathematical objects reside in a realm of its own which is not affected by the physical universe. But where is this realm? It seems like the ideas of an overimaginative person. And you would not be the first person thinking that way. Platonism is not universally accepted as the philosophy of Mathematics. It is just one of many. Possibly the toughest opposing philosophy would be that of Formalism. What is Formalism? In the (late)19th and 20th centuries, Mathematicians, or rather a particular group of them, started to feel that Math is just a game. Just like chess, it has some players (mathematicians), it has some pieces with which the game is played (numbers, equations, geometric objects etc.) and most importantly it has some ...